Porcelain veneers are similar to dental crowns, but rather than cover the entire tooth, they cover the front and sometimes the sides of a tooth. Porcelain veneers are a popular treatment in cosmetic dentistry because they correct many aesthetic and functional dental concerns, including:
- Gaps or spaces between teeth
- Broken or chipped teeth
- Discolored or stained teeth
- Uneven or crooked teeth
Porcelain veneers are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth. The fine dental porcelain used to create these ultra-thin restorations reflects light just as natural tooth enamel would. Permanently attached, the material is also highly durable and stain-resistant.
The Versatility of Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are great because they’re one of the most versatile dental restorations. They treat almost any cosmetic dental problem that you can think of. Discolored teeth are one of the most common complaints we see in our office. Porcelain veneers come in so many different shades that you can pick from, whether you’re looking for something more natural or the brightest white. They completely cover discolored teeth from view.
As we get older, our teeth get older with us. We use them daily, so they can take on a lot of wear and tear from everyday use. Our teeth naturally wear down as we age, and we usually have little chips from them as well. Porcelain veneers are custom-made for each one of your teeth. You get to choose the shape of them. We can give you expert advice on the right tooth shape for you so that it looks right for your face.
Veneers also offer custom size and alignment choices for your smile. We can align them so that small gaps in your smile are covered. The size can be altered, too, to ensure these gaps are covered. It still looks natural because we align them perfectly in your smile.
The Porcelain Veneers Procedure
The procedure begins with a comprehensive evaluation, where our dentists inspect the teeth, gums, mouth, jaw joints, and muscles. We also review your medical and dental history, take necessary diagnostic x-rays and imaging, and screen for periodontal disease. Once we’ve outlined a treatment plan, we’ll discuss the specifics of your procedure and the time and cost associated with your porcelain veneers.
To accommodate the space the veneers will take in the mouth, our dentists must prepare the teeth by removing a tiny amount of the natural tooth structure. We believe in taking the most conservative approach possible and removing as little of the natural tooth as possible.
While the porcelain veneers are being made at a dental laboratory, we may fit you for temporaries. This will also allow you to “try on” your proposed treatment to be sure they are exactly what you had in mind. We tint the final porcelain veneers to match the color of your natural teeth and permanently bond them to the front of your teeth for beautiful and natural-looking results.
Find out how to get the smile you’ve always wanted with porcelain dental veneers. Contact Barataria Dental to schedule a consultation with one of our highly trained dentists.
Porcelain Veneer FAQs
How long do dental veneers last?
With proper care and maintenance, porcelain veneers can last for many years. Porcelain veneers are durable and highly resistant to stains from food and drink, so you can be sure your smile will remain youthful and bright. As with any dental restoration, make regular visits to the dentist to monitor and maintain the longevity of your porcelain veneers.
Are there alternatives to dental veneers?
There are various options for patients considering veneers for teeth. If porcelain veneers are not an option, we may recommend alternative treatments, such as dental bonding, which can temporarily improve the appearance of your smile for a fraction of the cost.
What can’t you do with porcelain veneers?
Porcelain veneers are designed to be durable and last. However, they can still chip or break. Avoid habits like chewing ice or biting down on hard candy and hard foods with your veneers.
Can porcelain veneers stain?
Porcelain veneers are durable, stain-resistant ceramic. But it’s still possible for them to stain. After years of heavy smoking or coffee drinking, you may notice staining on your veneers.
Can I whiten my porcelain veneers?
No, porcelain veneers don’t respond to traditional whitening techniques. This is why it’s important to watch lifestyle habits and consumption of staining materials.
Can I get cavities with porcelain veneers?
While the veneers aren’t impacted by tooth decay, they only cover the front and sides of your teeth. The back of your tooth is still susceptible to decay, plaque, and tartar buildup. Make sure you keep up with a steady oral healthcare routine.
How do I take care of my porcelain veneers?
One of the best perks of veneers is that they’re easy to take care of. All you have to do is follow a normal oral healthcare routine. Brush, floss, and visit your dentist regularly for checkups!
Am I an ideal candidate for porcelain veneers?
To get porcelain veneers, it’s required that you’re in overall good oral health. Veneers are a cosmetic solution, not a restorative one. It’s essential to recognize that veneers are also a permanent process. Once you get veneers, you can’t return to your teeth without them. The tooth structure is removed to make room for the veneers. Veneers might be the best choice if you have stained teeth that don’t respond to traditional whitening techniques or teeth with other aesthetic problems.