2272 Barataria Blvd. Marrero, LA 70072

3 Ways to Improve the Look of Your Smile

Your smile can play a major role in first impressions as well as your self-esteem. If you are not happy with the appearance of your teeth, you may feel less assured in your personal and professional lives.

Your dentist can enhance the look of your smile with a personalized cosmetic dental treatment plan. Barataria Dental, a dental practice located in Marrero, LA, lists three cosmetic dentistry solutions that will help you get the smile of your dreams.

cosmetic dental solutions Marrero Louisiana

Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Professional Teeth Whitening Services

Over time, foods that contain staining agents may cause discoloration on your teeth. This may also occur due to reasons outside of your control, including medication side effects or aging.

These stains may not be removed with your usual oral hygiene routine. If you notice staining or yellowing in your smile, you can discuss professional tooth whitening solutions with your dentist.

This treatment uses bleaching gel to brighten the color of your teeth. Your dentist can offer both in-office whitening sessions as well as customized take-home whitening trays.

Porcelain Veneers

For long-lasting cosmetic enhancement, your dentist will likely recommend porcelain veneers. This treatment uses cap-like shells that adhere to the front of your teeth to create a whiter, more even smile.

Your dentist will prepare the affected teeth by removing a small amount of enamel before securing the veneers to the teeth during this procedure. The fixtures will be constructed according to the unique size, shape, and color of your smile as well as your aesthetic goals.


Overlapping, crooked, or misaligned teeth may lead to oral health issues as well as cosmetic concerns. Your dentist can help you straighten your smile without orthodontics using Invisalign.

This treatment uses clear-colored plastic aligners that you wear 22 hours a day to gradually reposition teeth. Your dentist will provide you with aligners that you will switch out every two weeks to complete the teeth-straightening process. The length of this treatment will vary depending on the severity of your cosmetic concerns.

Cosmetic Dentistry Experts in Marrero, LA

Barataria Dental offers porcelain veneers and other cosmetic dentistry solutions to patients in Marrero, LA. Our practice also specializes in restorative and general dentistry for patients of all ages. To schedule a consultation or appointment with our team, contact us online or reach our office by phone at 504.358.8632.